// we are

Octopus++; //New Member

Hello there,

Writ­ing this (su­perb) blog post in or­der to pre­sent me, since I seem to have set­tled in that won­der­ful oc­to­pus cave. This is my first blog, and it’s weird to think about the in­cred­i­bly high amount of peo­ple who will praise those lines (means me, when check­ing for ty­pos).

So, who am I ? As most of you will have al­ready guessed, I’m Steve Dodier-Lazaro. Re­ally. And Steve Dodier-Lazaro ap­pears to be a 20 years old com­puter sci­ence stu­dent (at the EN­SIB, just like The Oc­to­pus him­self), slightly geeky.

This blog is meant to mostly speak about FLOSS, but as I am a very dis­ci­plined per­son, you shall also ex­pect it to talk about kit­tens, pol­i­tics, or even worse, my per­sonal life. But since it is pri­mar­ily about FLOSS, let’s at least have a look at my main ar­eas of con­cern in this field.

That shall in­clude Xubuntu, the Ubuntu based GNU/Linux dis­tri­b­u­tion for XFCE users, to which I con­tribute in var­i­ous ways, but also XFCE it­self (be­cause it rocks just as much as its logo), Ex­aile (the coolest of all mu­sic play­ers), the Ay­atana pro­ject (wait, what the fuck is that ? You don’t know yet ? Well, that’s a shame), and pos­si­bly other pro­jects which de­vel­op­ers I de­cided to fed up. :)

Keep in touch.
